About the Candidate

Jeff Woodard

“It's Time to Put People First”

Candidate for U.S. Congress Maryland’s 3rd District

Vote May 14th, 2024

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Jeff Woodard On The Issues

Economy and Jobs

The issues of the Economy and Jobs are important to the district and to me personally. I strongly believe in economic equality. Most of us know someone – be it a friend, relative, or colleague – who is looking for work right now.

I am a strong believer in unions. I believe that the unions are what built this great country into what it is today. I have been in a union most of my career and will continue to support unions and people's rights to unionize. This includes being a champion for a $15 minimum wage across the country.

LGBTQ Equality

In June 2015, the U. S. Supreme Court made marriage legal for all couples across the country. This was a proud moment for true equality for the LGBTQ community. I will fight to prevent these couples that are married today from being fired tomorrow simply because of whom they love. Everyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, should be treated equally under the law. I support the Equality Act, which would ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex.


Coming from a military family, I know the sacrifice that our nation’s men and women in uniform continue to make on our behalf.

It is important that our nation’s veterans have adequate access to the health care they need and have earned. We must provide our veterans access to treatment for their physical and mental issues. We cannot allow our veterans to self-medicate, which will harm them, their families, and their communities.

Our veterans need help to transition back into civilian life. This includes housing, education, and employment. I strongly believe in helping veterans with education and job training programs. I will do everything I can to stand up for Veterans, as they have bravely stood up for America.


As the Executive Director of an educational non-profit, I support improved early reading skills for low-performing students and after-school and summer programs. I support resources to increase graduation rates and reduce dropout rates. America’s education policy must support vocational and technical education that will give students employable skills to improve their career options.

Every student who wants to attend college, business, or technical schools must be able to do so regardless of the cost. We can not allow people to leave school with large student loans, which will take decades to repay. Making community college and trade schools free for those who cannot afford them, forgiving loans for those pursuing careers in public service jobs.


We are a nation of immigrants. I support immigration reform that will secure our border, and provide a path to citizenship for those who are already here, requiring civics education and improving the legal immigration system.

I support the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which uses existing authority to stop the deportation of people who came to the United States as children. I support the DREAMers who are individuals who were brought to our country without any say in the matter. Through the DACA program, these individuals comply with the law and have been contributing members of society and should have a path to citizenship in the only country they know.

Health Care

Healthcare is an essential issue for many of you who have concerns regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA). ACA allows Americans to access quality healthcare. Access to healthcare is not a privilege, but a right. I oppose any attempt to deny Americans healthcare coverage and I support the idea that healthcare is a human right.

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”It's Time to Put People First” - Jeff Woodard
Candidate for U.S. Congress Maryland’s 3rd District

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Jeff Woodard’s Background

✔ Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice

✔ Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy

✔ Master’s Degree in Business Administration

✔ Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice Administration

✔ Administrator Law Office

✔ Executive Director of PA College Access Program

✔ Administrator, Office of the PA Lt. Governor

✔ Adjunct Professor, CCAC and Robert Morris University

✔ Graduate, PA Police, and State Constable Academy

More about Jeff’s background